torsdag 31. mars 2011

ateister er bedre!

selv om været her i Trondheim har vært gaaanske så saklig i det siste, faktisk like saklig som en bi-/multipolar lidelse, så handler denne linken om hvor awesome ateister er.
Top 10: Benefits of Atheism
Posted on November 26, 2009 by CJ Werleman| 46 Comments

1. Atheists earn higher incomes. (10-15% higher, according to 1989 study)

2. Atheists stay married longer. (21% of Atheists have been divorced vs 29% for Christians) -Barna Research Group 1999

3. Atheists are less likely to end up in jail. (Atheists comprise 15% of US population, however, only 1% of US Prison population are non-believers.)

4. Atheists are more likely to climb to the top of academia. (97% of the National Academy of Science Members are atheists. The 3,200 members includes more than 200 Noble Laureate recipients)

5. Atheists are less likely to succumb to the lure of authoritarian regimes, that promise miraculous and divine sent decrees. You think Hitler could have convinced a nation of Secularists/Atheists that slaughtering Jews was a good way to spend a Sunday? But far easier to do so when working with devotees of the anti-Semite Martin Luther.

6. Atheists live longer and happier, according to a 2009 poll conducted by Erasmus University Rotterdam

7. Atheists are not required to hate anyone. There is no doctrine that promotes in/out thinking.

8. Atheists have higher morality developmental growth. Famous American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg writes that at moral development’s highest levels – moral judgments must be justified on rational moral grounds rather than by appeal to the order of nature or to religious authority or revelation. While Freud suggested that religion served to undermine moral responsibility while promoting fanaticism, he contended that people who behave morally only out of fear of a supernatural penalty, would be unlikely to respect and care for others from an altruistic perspective.

9. Atheists achieve deeper levels of critical thinking and free thought.

10. Atheists are way better in the bedroom. (My own anecdotal experience)

*Correlation doesn’t equal causation, but it’s nice to have some fun with it.

CJ Werleman

Author ‘God Hates You. Hate Him Back’

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